Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Electronic Media and Communications

The world is now in a digital era where everyone is connected to the web and network at all times. The electronic medium can be a very effective tool in a workplace, but there things one should consider lest it becomes a hinderance than an efficient tool. 

1. When working in an office, minimize personal conversations on your company’s IMs (Instant Messengers)

There are many offices that allow the use of these programs (some may even encourage it) as a channel of communication across the organization. If that is the case, keep professional conversations in professional environments; one might find it tempting to conversations that involve the newest celebrity gossip or plans for the weekend. 

2. Use a professional account when working

A great preventative measure is that have two accounts for messengers: a personal and a professional one. Sign into your professional account in the office and save those personal conversations for when you step outside the office.

3. Use company e-mail for company work

Do not use your company e-mail for personal and casual use. Such resources should be reserved for professional use.

4. Be conscious of your language

When using electronic communications, explicit jokes and words should not be used. Your attitude should be reflected with carefully considered words. 

5. Keep e-mails brief

E-mails should be used to communicate information quickly and efficiently; it is not a forum for open-ended discussions and arguments. E-mail chains that turn into such conversations should quickly be taken offline and moved to face-to-face communications, meetings, or phone calls.

6. Keep a professional email addresses

As freelancers or small business owners, make sure your e-mails are presentable and professional; addresses such as “” should be reconsidered before committing them to business cards.

7. Avoid social networking sites

While it is true that some jobs require the use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it can be said for the most jobs that it serves as a distraction. Many companies even block access to these sites within their network, but even with access, it is best to avoid temptation to sign into them.

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