Sunday, March 15, 2015

Your Work Computer Is Not Your Computer

A great privilege and necessity in today's workplace is the computer. It is normal practise to be assigned a personal computer, but like all resources distributed by a company, it does not mean it is not meant for personal use. Just like it is unethical to work on personal activities during company time, employees should be wary of using their work computer for personal things. Here are some things to consider and avoid when using a work computer:

1. The computer is COMPANY Property

The computer may be yours to use, but never forget it is your company's property. In same cases, it is in the company's policy that whatever data is in the hard drive will become theirs. As such, avoid using it for personal purposes, or store and save personal documents and information. 

2. No music, movies, and media

This largely depends on the nature of the company's work, but if the computer is issued to be used for work, it should be treated as a work computer. Don't use the company's machine to download music, movies, and other unrelated media files, save those for your personal computer. 

3. Do not download or install software

Company PCs usually come equipped with what the employee may need to complete their tasks. If you find your computer lacking tools you want or need, ask the company's IT department for help or suggestions. Avoid downloading and installing programs and apps by yourself; any missteps may introduce more problems than solve, and some programs may not even be sanctioned for use within the company network.

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